Weekly worship is central to who we are as a congregation. Christians worship God in community to give thanks to the One who has given us everything and to be strengthened spiritually for the week ahead. We gather every Sunday at 10am. Dress is casual. Our worship follows an ancient liturgical pattern of gathering, listening to God's Word through Scripture and a sermon, sharing in the Lord's Supper, and being sent back into the world to serve. We collect a monetary offering to support the ministries of our church and of the larger community, but you are not obligated to give. We sing songs throughout our worship: some that may be familiar and some that are new. Our musical director provides special music each week with the choir or other musical offering. There is a children's time and during the school year, Sunday School for children in preschool through fifth grade. Children are welcome, and we have a nursery for families to use should they need.
Christmas Eve: Candlelight Communion Service at 4:30pm.
Ash Wednesday: Family-friendly chapel service at 9am, service with Communion at 7:00 p.m.
Midweek Lenten Services 6pm meal in library, 7pm worship in the chapel February 21, March 6 & March 20
Maundy Thursday: Last Supper Communion Service at 7:00 p.m.
Good Friday: Candlelight Tennebrae at 7:00 p.m.
We offer Holy Communion weekly as central to our faith and worship life. We believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine, offering us forgiveness and strength for our Christian journey. All who trust in these promises of Christ for us are welcome to Christ's table. Gluten free wafers are available, and the pastor blesses those who prefer not to commune. First Communion is typically offered in third grade. Please contact the pastor if you have any questions regarding Holy Communion.
We provide the sacrament of Baptism for both children and adults throughout the year during our regular Sunday worship service. It is important that all Baptisms be scheduled at least two months in advance so that the parents of children and adults being baptized can meet for instruction with the pastor.
Faith's pastor is willing to marry both those who are members of the church as well as those who are seeking a Christian wedding service, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. Weddings should be scheduled at least three months in advance allowing time for pre-marital counseling with the pastor. Please contact our church office for more information regarding scheduling and fees.
Faith's members and pastor are ready to provide comfort and Christian hope at the time of a family's loss. Although a church funeral is encouraged, the pastor is willing to conduct a service at the funeral home.
We have an excellent Adult Choir that sings on Sunday mornings from 11:30-12:30pm. In addition, our music director leads a children's choir that meets from 9:15-9:45am during the school year, ages 5 through 12. No experience necessary! Let us know if you play an instrument or would like to sing a solo for special music throughout the year as well.
We invite worship participants regardless of age to take an active role in our service through various roles. Ushers greet all attenders and hand them a bulletin. They also assist in taking the offering and lead people to take Holy Communion in an orderly manner. Each week a Lector reads both the Old Testament Lesson and Epistle Lesson for the day. A Communion Assistant distributes the cup of wine alongside the pastor for Holy Communion. An Acolyte lights and extinguishes the altar candles as well as hands out the offering plates. Our Altar Guild changes paraments for the liturgical season of the church, sets up for and cleans up after Holy Communion. Please contact our office or the pastor if you are interested in serving.
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