Faith’s Mission is to openly share the saving grace of Jesus' love.
Lutherans, along with Christians who worship in many other traditions, are part of the one, holy, catholic (meaning “universal”) church. We believe in God who is revealed to us in three persons: as our Creator who made the heavens and earth and all things in the earth; as Jesus Christ, God’s son, who came to us as both divine and as a human being to share our experience, suffer with us and for us on the cross, died, and rose from the dead; and as the Holy Spirit who continues to lead, guide, and inspire us in our daily lives. We baptize in the name of the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Bible is central to our faith. It provides us with the history that ties Christianity to its roots in the early Jewish tradition, gives us the prophecy that foretold the coming of Jesus as our Savior, includes the law that guides us in knowing how to live in a way that is pleasing to God and respectful of each other and God’s creation, and brings us the good news (gospel) that our frail and failing human condition will find its help and strength through Jesus.
The concept of being set right with God through faith in Jesus Christ is called “justification by grace through faith.” Our faith can be summed up as: We are saved by the grace of God alone — not by anything we do; Our salvation is through faith alone — we only need to believe that our sins are forgiven for Christ’s sake, who died to redeem us.
Our History
In the summer of 1951, Student-Pastor Philip V. Anderson, from Christ Lutheran Church in New Hyde Park, went from house to house in Syosset to determine if enough people were interested in starting a Lutheran Church. That September, a meeting was held to plan for the first service to be held on Christmas Day. A temporary chapel was set up in the old International Harvester Building at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Cold Spring Road. The congregation was formally organized and incorporated as Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church on September 28, 1952 with 65 charter members. With very little money to start, the church was named after the faith it would need to grow.
— Rev. Rebecca Sheridan: 2019-present
— Rev. Robert Kasting: 2016-2017
— Rev. Marc Herbst: 2011-2013
— Rev. James G. Anderson: 1997-2010
— Rev. Nancy Hainfeld: 1992-1995
— Rev. Henry Brau: 1972-1991
— Rev. Paul A. Lorimer: 1960-1971
— Rev. Philip V. Anderson: 1953-1960
— Rev. Stephen Lorimer, 1966 – 1967
— Rev. Edward A. Rauff, 1970 – 1971
— Rev. Chris Matthy, 1979 – 1984
— Rev. Thomas Kennedy, 1989 – 1990
— Rev. Nancy Hainfeld, 1990 – 1991
— Rev. Dennis O’Rourke
— Rev. Karen Brau
Pastor Rebecca Sheridan
Pastor Rebecca Sheridan grew up in Omaha, Nebraska in the Lutheran church. She received a Bachelor’s degree in English and secondary education from Augustana University in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and a Master of Divinity from The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, where she met her husband, Rich Sheridan. Her first call was serving a two-point rural parish of Calvary Lutheran Church of Swede Home and Zion Lutheran Church in Benedict, Nebraska. Her second call was serving as co-pastor with Rich at Bethel Lutheran Church in Omaha and as Director for Evangelical Mission with the Nebraska Synod. Pastor Rebecca and Rich moved to Syosset to be closer to his family in New Jersey. Rich is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Northwell. They have two daughters, Erin (9) and Grace (7). The Sheridans enjoy camping, skiing, cooking, reading, and singing as a family. Pastor Rebecca is so excited to be serving the people of Faith Lutheran Church and School.
Linda Boccafola
Church Administrator
Linda volunteers her time in the church office and is a valuable asset to both Faith Lutheran Church and Faith Nursery School. Linda is always willing to jump in and help out during the school day, and coordinates all church events. Linda is an Altar Guild member, sings with the Church Choir, and sees to it that coffee hour is ready, on time. She is a current member of the Church Council.
Linda has been a member of Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church for 50 years. She served on the Church Council for two terms, and spent one of the six-year terms as Council President. Linda taught Sunday School for many years and had been the Superintendent of the Sunday School for over 30 years. Linda worked at Faith Nursery School for over15 years as an Assistant Teacher, and as a Toddler Teacher. Linda has lived in the community since 1969 and has three grown children. All three attended Faith Nursery School and Sunday School, received First Communion, and were Confirmed here at Faith Lutheran Church. Two of her children were also married at Faith. When she’s not here at church, Linda enjoys spending time with her 5 grandchildren.
Wendy Abruzzo
Bookkeeper/School Office Administrator
Wendy has worn many hats while working at Faith for over 30 years. She is currently the Church Bookkeeper, School Office Administrator and the assistant teacher in the Owls classroom.
Wendy has worked with all age groups as assistant teacher, camp counselor, and camp director.
She is a reliable and dedicated worker, to both Faith and the children. She keeps calm and is always caring and nurturing. Wendy has lived in the community for 40 years, has a grown daughter, and two grandchildren.
Carl Gayacao
Church Sexton/Property Steward
Carl has over twenty years' experience in cleaning and maintenance as well as in customer service. He has worked in hospital and medical settings and brings this level of cleaning and sanitizing expertise to our church and school facilities. He currently works as head of cleaning at Stony Brook University. Whenever you meet Carl at Faith, you can be sure he will be hard at work with a smile on his face to greet you.
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